Club & Societies
The Environment Council
Environment-protection, promotion and conservation has been included as a mandatory subject in the school curriculum. Students from Classes VI-IX have been offered this subject as an activity. Classes IX-XII are involved in various environmental activities through different projects. The concerns of the Council are multifarious like tree plantation, anti-cracker campaign, air and water monitoring, vermi composting, solid waste management, cleaning of water bodies especially river Yamuna, protection of built and natural heritage and other related activities. The Environment Council celebrates various important ‘days’ given by the United Nations and the calendar provided by the Environment in Education Cultural Council, D.P.S. Society. It not only works at enhancing the school environment but extends its work towards awakening and solving community concerns.
Senior Citizens Programme
Delhi Public School, Mathura Road is the pioneer school in launching the Senior Citizens’ Welfare Programme. This programme has been started by Delhi Public School Society in association with Delhi Police. The Senior Citizen Welfare Programme has a number of objectives. It aims at providing a lifeline to our senior citizens, from protecting their basic physical safety to nourishing their emotional needs. Our students forge strong paternal ties with them through regular visits and share with them their enthusiasm and zest for living. In return, the senior citizens share with the children their experiences, love and vision.
Jagriti – The Consumer Club
DPS Mathura Road has launched the Consumer Club – Jagriti – under the aegis of EECC. DPS, Society, in association with the Ministry of Consumer Affairs, Central Govt. The Club aims to generate consumer awareness and protect the consumers from being duped by the callousness of some irresponsible people. The Club educates the consumers about their rights and duties and tries to infuse confidence in them to fight against the violation of their basic rights.
Social Service Activities
A number of social work programmes are carried out under the aegis of DPS Society.
“I am”- Integrated personality development programme focuses on all-round development of child equipping him/her with life skills.
Jagrit- HIV Aids awareness programme.
A number of social work programmes are carried out under the aegis of DPS Society.
“I am”- Integrated personality development programme focuses on all-round development of child equipping him/her with life skills.
Jagrit- HIV Aids awareness programme.
“Growing Up Equal”- Focuses on creating awareness of gender equality and rights of girl child.
Other activities include, “Adolescent Health Awareness” programmes like growing up and sexual education, Anti-Tobacco and Anti-Drug Abuse awareness, Obesity and Health care and Stress management. It includes special provisions for Dyslexics and Hyperactive (Attention Deficit Disorder) children. Visits are arranged to SOS children’s villages, Blind school, Old Age homes, Cheshire home and Cancer hospitals. Students are also involved in media literacy projects, fund raising and peace projects.
Warp – The Computer Club
Warp, We are Radical Professionals is the official Computer Club of our school. This club was started in the year 1995, by a group of 5 students who were eager to compete against other schools and excel in the (then) fledgling field of computer sciences. The students enjoyed spectacular successes competing against hundreds of schools all over Delhi. In 1998, Warp held a computer symposium inviting students from all over Delhi and NCR to participate in events ranging from Group Discussions and Quizzes based on technology, to hard core programming and web development. What started out as a minor feature during the school’s Talent Fiesta, has now expanded to one of the most eagerly anticipated and most innovative computer symposiums of those hosted by schools over Delhi.
Every year, Warp recruits more members into its fraternity, through a rigorous testing process, that we like to call The Warp Talent Hunt. The test comprises first of a general quiz on technology, after which the student specifies which vertical he/she would like to represent the school in. The student then gives a practical test, to prove his technical skills in that vertical. All the students that pass the first two tests are subjected to an interview. While cumbersome, these tests enable us to limit our numbers to an elite few people who are truly passionate about technology, led by a core team of teachers and students.
Multiple times a year, the club organizes workshops to elevate the general technical awareness of students of the school, where experienced industry experts and senior Warp members, help students pick up skills that they find interesting. Every year Warp holds an Inter School Computer Symposium with a variety of events, providing tough challenges to all the participants.
Warp is committed to bringing out computing excellence amongst both its own members and its peers. It intends to continue to do so.
DPS Mathura Road has launched the Consumer Club – Jagriti – under the aegis of EECC. DPS, Society, in association with the Ministry of Consumer Affairs, Central Govt. The Club aims to generate consumer awareness and protect the consumers from being duped by the callousness of some irresponsible people. The Club educates the consumers about their rights and duties and tries to infuse confidence in them to fight against the violation of their basic rights.
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